£1,000 Press Fund Appeal

It is vital that we continue publishing Organise! and our bi-monthly agitational newsheet Resistance. To continue to do so, we need money, and lots of it! In short we need your money, dear readers.

We in the ACF will do all we can to raise funds to continue with our publishing ventures. But a little help from anarchists outside the ACF, who read our press, and all our other readers will help lighten the burden.

As we said in the last issue of Organise! we need a thousand pounds, a cool grand. Contributions to the Press Fund should be sent to Press Fund, ACF c/o 84b Whitechapel High Street (Angel Alley) London E1 7QX. Cheques, postal orders, IMOs payable to 'ACF'.

Donations so far. £12.65 (York) £2.50 (Pitlochry) £8.00 (Sheffield) £5.00 (Worcester)£5.00 (anon) £100 (Woking)

Total is £133.15.

As you can see, we are a long way off of our target. Please think about us if you have a little money to spare (we know that's a tall order at the moment but still!) With the bombing of Serbia and Iraq and the gearing up of NATO and the US to a war footing, the rampant racism throughout society, the continuing despoiling of the environment, the scummy carryings-on of Labour it is all the more vital that a clear revolutionary anarchist voice is heard loud and clear. So give! give! give!

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