THE ACF HAS now produced 3 issues of our agitational Resistance, keeping to our bi-monthly schedule. The latest one (No.3) has articles on the "low-intensity" war in Iraq, GM foods, the Czech anarchist Michal Patera, and the Diggers. A supplement on the war in the Balkans was also rushed out for this issue and will at the time of writing be available for the demonstration against both the war in the Gulf and the war in the Balkans. For the second issue a London supplement on the threatened eviction of the 121 Centre in Brixton was also produced.

ACF comrades have been incredibly active in distributing Resistance (as well as selling Organise!) on the recent Civil Rights demo, anti-immigration controls demo,a Civil Rights demo and a demo against repression in Turkey- both in Haringey, 2 anti-war demos and street sales in Barking and Camden, at the Critique conference and a rally against repression in Turkey in Trafalgar Square (all in London) as well as the anti-war demo in Cardiff and the low-pay demo in Newcastle.

Resistance has appeared at an important time. Our widespread distribution of our agitational bulletin means more and more people are coming in contact with revolutionary anarchist ideas. This is at a time when there is growing disgust at the Labour Party, and the Stalinist and Trotskyist left are spiralling rapidly downwards into decline. There is a real chance of building a credible anarchist movement in this country - with consistent and dogged work. Unfortunately, on too many occasions, ACF comrades are often the only anarchists to be seen on mobilisations, often with the only organised anarchist contingent. When other anarchists do appear, they are few in number, and sometimes choose not to march in a united bloc with us. Ah well, we're not discouraged.

If you would like the next 6 issues of Resistance send POs, cheques for £4 for 12 issues payable to 'ACF' to ACF c/o84b Whitechapel High Street (Angel Alley) London E1 7QX. Better still take bundles of Resistance to distribute in your area.

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