Dear Organise!

I send warmest anarchist greetings and friendship from the belly of the beast! I hope this finds each of you in good health and spirit with everything well. I’m in fair health and morale with things going in the usual topsy-turvy fashion of the gulag.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Anarchist Federation and other British anarcho comrades for their display of solidarity, support and love shown by their contributions to the Friends of Harold H. Thompson Support Campaign which I use to fight our sworn enemies in their own backyard, the battlefield of the courtroom, on my own behalf and on behalf of other prisoners.

Soon I will be filing a civil rights complaint against the prisoncrats which I hope will benefit all anarchist prisoners in the States as it will directly address confiscation and seizures of anarchist materials by gulag mailroom personnel and the recent trend of the prisoncrats labeling imprisoned anarchists as belonging to a "security threat group" or "STG" as justification for anarchist material seizures.

For many years I felt as if I was struggling alone and am overjoyed to feel the presence of my beloved anarchist comrades as we indeed have the same goal even though we engage from different aspects in the struggle. I specifically want to thank anarchist comrades Eddy W., Frankie Dee and Catherine K. who have made the Campaign a reality when others had mostly voiced only a willingness to support me.

The only way we will ever rid ourselves of the monster of capitalism is for the many to take our birthright back from the few whose only motivation in life is greed and who profit from our blood, sweat and tears as their kind have done for many generations before us!

Someday the earth will shake with the stamp of our feet as the sleeping giant of the masses arises to deal with them, the air filled with our battle cries as we come! Let one of the battle cries shouted the loudest be: "They will never get us all!" We will carry the torch of our struggle to a victorious end over the monsters of the earth! The earth will be ours and establishment of our anarchist world will dawn a new free era for mankind! Now I dream of such an anarchist world. When many of us share the same dream without letting hope die and who are willing to act then our utopian dream will become reality. Never lose sight of the prize! I will and we will collectively make it happen. We have to do it for the future of this planet, the future of mankind, the future of our children and to rid our company of the monsters of the earth. We will prevail!

I welcome correspondence and will answer each letter I receive, so hope more of like spirit will write me and/or contact Friends of Harold Thompson whose address is PO Box 375, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey GU21 2XL England or . Confusion to our enemies! They will never get us all.

In Anarchist Struggle and Solidarity

Harold H Thompson, #93992

Northwest Correctional Complex

Route 1, Box 660


Tennessee 38709