Scanned articles about the anti-Poll Tax struggle 1988-1992 from Issues 14 to 27 inclusive

by the Anarchist Communist Federation, now AF

See also our 2 pamphlets The Poll Tax and How to Fight It & Beating the Poll Tax


Note: all links are to single pages image files in the GIF format which are all around 0.5MB each so they will be readable online but at the same time not too big. Click image or use zoom facility on browser to read online, or download and print. Some articles are over multiple pages.

Issue 14 - Feb-April 1989

Poll tax registration in England, Payment demands in Scotland, “What lies behind the poll tax?”, N&A, #14, p20

Issue 15 - May-July 1989

Anti-poll tax campaigns in Scotland, “Poll tax crunch point”, N&A, #15, p3
Anti-poll tax campaigns in Scotland, “Poll tax crunch point (continued)”, N&A, #15, p4

Issue 16 - Aug-Oct 1989

Poll tax non-payment in Scotland, “Mass non-payment takes off”, N&A, #16, p4,18

Issue 17 - Nov-Jan 1989/90

The Left and the poll tax, “Militant and other parasites on the poll tax struggle”, Ft, #17, p7
The Left and the poll tax, “Militant and other parasites on the poll tax struggle (continued)”, Ft, #17, p10
The Left and the poll tax, “Militant and other parasites on the poll tax struggle (continued)”, Ft, #17, p11

Issue 18 - Feb-April 1990

Scotland Labour councils and poll tax, “Labour's poll tax panic”, N&A, #18, p15

Issue 19 - May-July 1990

Anti-poll tax demos in England and the Left’s response, “Poll Tax fury” , N&A, #19, p3
Trafalger Square anti-poll tax riot account, “A rioter’s account sent anonymously to Organise”, Ft, #19, p6
March 31st 1990 Trafalger Square riot analysis, “The Poll Tax: The Peasants Revolt”, Ft, #19, p10
March 31st 1990 Trafalger Square riot analysis, “The Poll Tax: The Peasants Revolt (continued)”, Ft, #19, p11
March 31st 1990 Trafalger Square riot analysis, “The Poll Tax: The Peasants Revolt (continued)”, Ft, #19, p12

Issue 20 - Aug-Nov 1990

Poll tax riot arrests; press and Left response; defence campaign, “The State goes on the offensive”, N&A, #20, p3
Poll tax non-payment in UK, “The poll tax flagship heads for the rocks”, Ft, #20, p12
Poll tax non-payment in UK, “The poll tax flagship heads for the rocks (continued)”, Ft, #20, p12

Issue 21 - Dec-Feb 1991

Oct 20th 1990 poll tax demo and riot, “Fighting on the poll tax front”, N&A, #21, p3
Poll tax resistance in courts and against bailiffs, “Poll Tax fury” , N&A, #21, p16
Poll tax resistance in courts and against bailiffs, “Poll Tax fury” (continued) , N&A, #21, p13

Issue 22 - March-May 1991

Poll tax local struggle, “Fight the Poll Tax: News from Leeds”, Ft, #22, p8
Poll tax local struggle, “Fight the Poll Tax: News from Leeds” (continued), Ft, #22, p8
Poll tax local struggle, “Fight the Poll Tax: News from Leeds” (continued), Ft, #22, p8

Issue 23 - June-August 1991

Defeat of Poll Tax & rise in VAT, “A Fairer Tax?”, N&A, #23, p3
Defeat of Poll Tax & Thatcher, “Lessons of the Poll Tax victory”, N&A, #23, p4,5
Defeat of Poll Tax & Thatcher, “Lessons of the Poll Tax victory”, N&A, #23, p4,5

Issue 25 - Jan-Mar 1992

Non-payment after Poll Tax defeat, “Supporting the Poll Tax Non-Payers”, N&A, #25, p5
Non-payment after Poll Tax defeat, “Supporting the Poll Tax Non-Payers”, N&A, #25, p6

Issue 26 - April-June 1992

Criticism of Poll Tax non-payment article (ref #25), “Poll Tax”, Let, #26, p17

Issue 27 - July-Sept 1992

Poll Tax Rebellion, (book, Danny Burns, AK Press and Attack International), Rev, #27, p13

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