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Iberian Anarchist Federation, ANALYSIS OF THE CRISIS IN SPAINDate: July 2009
Neither the G20 nor G8 nor other forums are going to solve the problem of the crisis. We are crossing one of the worst economic crises, but it(he,she) is not
new that the world is in crisis. The wars, the famines are a little an acquaintance. The new only(unique) thing is that now this crisis has come to the rich countries. It is not a question of an economic crisis ado, treats itself(himself,herself) about a crisis of the system.
This crisis has begun in the bank sector but his(her,your) reasons are very deep, actually(indeed) the economies of the capitalist conditions(states) live on credit for thirty years. The companies get into debt over his(her,your) possibilities, the States get into debt also, over his(her,your) possibilities to confront wars, to increase his(her,your) area of influences... And one has pushed the citizen to get into debt systematicly, the only(unique) way of supporting artificially an economic growth. The reason of the present crisis is clear, the greed of the capitalists for wanting to monopolize more without control none; the increase of the value of the things over the royal(real) value, to negotiate with what still(yet) has not taken place(been produced). The consequences of it we are suffering them with the unemployment, the employer(management) terrorism with the "accidents at work", the workers' massive dismissal to do the same work with fewer persons, beside lowering the wages and of extracting new modalities of contracting every time of major precariousness, and the lack(mistake) of movement of money, of everything which we are principal harmed. History says to us that the capitalism has gone from a crisis to other one, and with a good war to go out of her(it) (eliminating to his(her,your) rivals, companies infrastructures, which allows a good economic reimpulse). Actually(indeed) the crises are also a period of that the big ones take advantage to eliminate or to absorb the weakest. Hereby the crisis reinforces the capital concentration in hands of a number furthermore(moreover) small of multinationals, which will be the consequence?. These super-groups will have furthermore(moreover) means of the workforce(manpower) eliminates or to impoverish and this way to turn into a competition furthermore(moreover) strong. We are again (afresh) in the cabin of exit. The governments are speaking that the solution is in setting capitalism on an ethical bases; but this is not possible provided that the capitalism rests(relies) in three beginning(principles):
Where are ethics?. What the States are doing, is to allow that the earnings should stay in the hands deprived of the companies (the workers for more money that the companies gain(earn), we are subject to a fixed salary) and, when these have not gained(earned) everything for what they were waiting the losses are socialized, extracting the money of the public exchequer (money of the workers) "to "refloat" the economies of the companies... That is to say, in two words: they take our money to themselves, and they it remove dead man. They turn us to stealing for the second time (1 º neither paying to us what corresponds(fits) nor giving us part(report) of the benefits extra and 2 º taking to him(you,them) the money of the public moneybox of the workers that instead of investing(inverting) in health, education, transport ... it(he,she) goes on to the use and enjoyment of the rich ones, and without our permission). The Spanish economy has entered recession. The GDP (interior brute(gross) product) is in negative values. What represents that in our country one does not believe wealth(richness). We have crossed more than one decade of economic "prosperity", and the indexes of growth increased very much (though from this the workers did not benefit). Up to the point of which the Spanish condition(state) was trying to enter the group of the richest countries of the world. Always they have said to us that the productive effort of the hard-working class would meet reflected in the society to come to " Welfare state of the well-being " where the whole population might enjoy and have all the basic needs covered(overcast). On the contrary the basic rights guaranteed in the Constitution, since they are, for example: the housing and the work, they are a wet paper(role) because to accede to a housing we have to mortgage our productive capacity of 20, 30 or more years, and some they do not even take credit margin as the wild increase of the prices. And, with regard to the work: there is shameful the index of unemployment that we are reaching. The governments that we have suffered have not been capable of finishing with the unemployment; very on the contrary every labour reform that has appeared (and it that they were times of "prosperity") has supposed a wastage in the rights of the workers and more precariousness and labour instability, up to the point that already we could not have consumed the products that they us sell and that we themselves make. The banks and the financial institutions live of our debt capacity (applying interests of usury) and, if we have some saving, it(he,she) produces low profitability, discharges apply commissions, give us a complex, ambiguous information neither that nor the most wide-awake economist can decipher. Every week knows a new case of abuse or deception to the saving of the families I protest of marketing product that they hide "tricks", provided that there exists neither a real transparency nor control of the institutions, neither procedure nor protection laws of the savers do not even exist. Result of this is it not resolution of frauds to the saving in Spain, since(as,like): The agency of values AVA (1998), Investahorro (1999), Gescartera 2001), Terra (2003), RuralCaja (2004), continue without solution after years of judicial periplus, and without to date of today a solution should have given itself to the same scandals and frauds continue:
The financial capital feeds of the deception across the advertising Deceitful, " funds guaranteed ", " preferential actions(shares) " without explaining from simple and clear form to what type of operations he(she) is acceding the client and the risks of the same ones. How we can defend from all that, when everything in this system is organized for benefit of the capitalists to whom everything becomes small, when they have the yellow unions that they receive(charge) of the State turning, in turn, into companies speculators with liberated ( Professionals of the syndicalism) who will never go against the interests of the one who supports them and who fill the pockets with subsidies!. These, across the works committees, mercadean with us being in use of currency of change for obtaining power it(he,she) influences and money. And this is kept be which is the party(game) that governs because to speak about left side and right in these conditions is secondary, where it(he,she) ends one and begins other one when it is a question of defending the power that the governing being gives you?. The POWER CORROMPE, because of it the conditions(states) and his(her,your) governments try to control, to reduce or to eliminate the dissent, and to finish with the associative fabric, especially with the one that tries(means) that the people(village) autoorganizes of a horizontal form, not hierarchic, creating structures and organizations that defend and extend the conquered rights. For it they use of massive form his(her,your) means of formation(training) of masses (badly so called "mass media"), his(her,your) educational systems, his(her,your) religions, … And to the one that bears this wash of brain and continues thinking about the freedom, the equality, throw(add) the solidarity above his(her,your) repressive bodies (policemen and military men). Already be nice!: we suffer and they are of benefit. We cannot continue believing his(her,your) good words; they take us being deceptive a lot of time and, leaving us to go, the things are not going to change. We must change the state of affairs or, at least, fight for it To refuse to that the weight of the crisis should relapse on us, workers all. Where is money fruit of the effort of the hard-working class?. It(he,she) has of reinvertirse in the society for the benefit of all. If they do not want, we must stand firm once and for all and realize that we must face the power that submit us. Already it(he,she) is nice of deceptions and good words. The alternative is not other one(different) that the direct participation of the workers in his(her,your) own(proper) matters, without delegating in liberated and union(syndical) bureaucrats of any type. For it there exists an organizational model who already works successfully: The Union(Syndical) Sections formed(trained) by the workers affiliated to the union anarcosindicalista in the company (the CNT), without need of union(syndical) choices(elections), because his(her,your) tool is the workers' assembly in which there take all the decisions that will make cost(suit) across his(her,your) delegate (chosen also in the assembly) before the company. These delegates do not have any privilege or labour condition that distinguishes it from the rest of the workers and it(he) can be revoked by the assembly when it is considered suitable. The Coordination between(among) Union(Syndical) Sections of the same branch(bouquet) they awards a force of negotiation of that the Employer(Management) one knows and is afraid. Because the Union(Syndical) Section is the presence of the union in the company. Thus the problems of one are the problems of all. It(he,she) is to say: THERE DOES NOT HAPPEN ANY INTEREST FOREIGN TO THAT OF THE WORKERS. We think that the personal and social emancipation happens(passes) for promoting the organization of the people(village) from the equality, the freedom, the automanagement and the federalism, understanding that the clash with the monster of the power and his(her,your) acolytes happens(passes) for the direct and solidary(joint) action(share) without chiefs or leaders, with the contest and the capacity from each and every of affected by situations of oppression and exploitation(development) … AND WITHOUT DELEGATING IN ANYBODY WHO COULD USURP(SEIZE) THE POPULAR WILL. F.A. Iberian (Spain/Portugal)