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Our Oil, and other tales - a censored DVD documentary about the environmental and social impact of Venezuela's oil industry, by the Gattacicova Collective

DVD running time: 80 minutes.

Copies are available from the Anarchist Federation (Britain) by writing to:
BM ANARFED, London, WC1N 3XX, England, UK


Price including DVD, packaging and postage, payable to Anarchist Federation:

  • UK orders - £6.00
  • European Union orders - £6.50 or 10.00 Euros
  • Rest of the World - £7.50, 10.00 Euros or $15.00 US
THE VENEZUELAN GOVERNMENT had liked previous Gattacicova Collective productions (for example, Another way is possible ...in Venezuela) so much that they offered financial support for their next project. But the documentary they then made examined the issues of oil production in the country: from the impact on the environment and indigenous populations to the way the industry is run.

The bureaucrats of the Ministry of Culture realised they didn“t like such a close look at their involvement with multinational and northamerican corporations, so they tried to suppress the movie.

Only with the help of local activists a few copies escaped censorship.

Now you can watch the documentary that Hugo Chavez tried to keep secret...

All proceeds going to support Venezuelan anarchists.