- The International of Anarchist Federations - International Secretariat
- l'Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes - Secrétariat International
- Internacional de las Federaciones Anarquistas - Secretariado Internacional
- Internationale der Anarchistischen Föderationen - internationales Sekretariat
- Internazionali delle Federazioni Anarchiche - Segretariato Internazionale
- Інтэрнацыяналу Фэдэрацыяў Анархістаў - Міжнародны Сакратарыят
- Internacionála anarchistických federací - Mezinárodní sekretariát
- Интернационал Федераций Анархистов - Международный Секретариат
- Internacio de Anarkiistaj Federacioj - Internacia Sekretararo
- Internacionala Anarhistickih Federacija - Internacionalni Sekretarijat
Contact: For contact by public and other anarchist groups and organisations, an international secretariat was set up. The secretariat irregularly rotates among the IFA federations and is currently the Anarchist Federation in Spain.
If you are interested in the activities of the IAF-IFA, would like to know more, or would like to join as a member federation, please contact the secretary at iaf_ifasecretariat yahoo.es