In understanding that the revolution must be made by the self activity of the working class, and recognising the above contradiction, the anarchist revolutionary organisation has a number of tasks to perform. It must act as a propaganda grouping, ceaselessly and untiringly putting putting over the message that the working class must destroy capitalism and establish a libertarian communist society. Is must also show how this can be done by giving ideas of libertarian organisation and examples of self activity by working class people. It must search out and recall the history of past struggles, their successes and mistakes, and impart the lessons to be learned to the rest of the working class. Working class history is deliberately obscured and excluded from the books by the ruling class. The revolutionary organisation has to help in the task of rediscovering these struggles in its efforts to help the development of class consciousness.

Whenever important developments occur within the class, the revolutionary organisation muat spread the news through its links with organisations in other countries. The revolutionary organisation is internationalist and seeks links with other groupings in order to increase class effectiveness.

However the organisation cannot see itself solely as a propaganda. Above all it is an assembly of activists. It must actively work in all the grassroots organisations of the working class such as rank and file groups, tenants associations, squatters and unemployed groups as well as women's, black and gay groups. It seeks to make links between unionised and non-unionised workers in a struggle for a movement at the base. The organisation seeks to work inside the women's groups and sexual politics groups to help radicalise them and to argue for a break with liberal reformism and Leninism. It aims to help in the recognition of the essential interconnection of sexual and class oppression. At the same time it respects the independance and autonomy of the working class women's, black and gay movements. It does not try to make these movements an appendage of the revolutionary organisation just as it respects the autonomy and self-organisation of the rank and file workers movement that may develop. Obviously this does not mean that it does not seek to spread it's ideas in these movements.

The organisation works for the fullest mass participation inside all these groups and inside the class as a whole, for self activity and for self organisation by working people of every struggle and every facet of life. Only by building such organisations in the course of the struggle can the working class hope to achieve liberation. The revolutionary organisation itself must have mass participation and decision making. It must also be organised as a federalist structure as only federalism can hinder bureaucratic degeneration and encourage the active participation os all members in the organisation.

The anarchist organisation realises that the social revolution cannot be won without a struggle at the point of production and a seizure of the means of production. However, it does not relegate the struggles in other areas of life (unemployed, sexual, anti-racist, environmental and cultural) to a secondary role. All these struggles are implicitly anti-capitalist and all these issues are cloaely intertwined. The questioning of one facet of capitalism can lead to a total rejection of the system. The militants of the revolutionary organisation who are involved in these groups must seek to pinpoint in what ways the class system causes and/or perpetuates the problems different sections of society are confronting.

It is vitally important that a 'libertarian front' of all these movements and groups is built. Thus, revolutionary work consists in part of linking each area of struggle, bringing out all the latent anti-capitalist and libertarian tendencies to be found there. Revolutionary anarchist militants seek a regroupment of all those who have 'globalised' their struggle, having developed from fighting on one front of capitalism to a total critique. This radical regroupment has to be striven for by the revolutionary anarchist organisation and reflected in all its activites and publications. It must act as a driving force of such a grouping, constantly drawing in radicalised elements and helping to build a mass movement.

When we say 'driving force' we don't mean the Leninist approach of seeking to dominate such a movement by capturing positions and so forth. We seek to minimise the organisational contradiction and look for a close relationship with the mass movement. We don't want to take over such a movement. What counts is not the numerical increase of the organisation but the development of the whole working class movement. We see the revolutionary organisation as a means of communication and a weapon to be used by the working class.

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