In opposition to the Leninist ideas of leadership, the anarchist organisation fights for the 'leadership of ideas' within the class through example and suggestion. In a non-revolutionary period the potential revolutionary masses by and large hold conservative ideas and values. In this period there needs to be an organisation that holds on to revolutionary ideas. In this sense we recognise a 'leadership of ideas'. However, at the outbreak of revolutions, organisations invariably are taken by surprise by the audacity and imagination of the revolutionary masses. At this stage a revolutionary organisation could act as a brake on progress. Again however, as the revolution progresses, counterrevolutionary forces generate statist and civil war options. The revolutionary organisation now has a role to defend the advanced ideas of the masses in their initial revolutionary stage.

This leadership of ideas entails a clearer understanding of hierarchical society, the concept of self organised society and of Leninism. In the struggle against Leninism and all forms of elitism comes the realisation that the struggle of ideas must be waged at grass roots level. This realisation is reflected in revolutionary anarchist theory and practice e.g. the call for madation of delegates, for mass decision making and for mass action.

A libertarian communist organisation will obviously not be the only organised tendency within the working class. Unlike most organisations, it does not see itself as the Party but as one of several organisations which will participate in the mass movement alongside those without affiliation. There may also be autonmous organisations of women or black people that will be represented in the movement and in the councils and other revolutionary bodies that may develop. However, these should be working class organisations as cross class movements hide class differences and imply that the working class have shared interests with the ruling class. Full emancipation cannot come about without the destruction of capitalism.

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