Membership of the Anarchist Federation is open to all
who agree with our aims and principles and are willing to work within
them. If you agree with our aims and principles you may apply for
membership by emailing the address below. We will need your name and address
to send you information on the Anarchist Federation. Once we receive
your information a member will be in contact with you asap.
Read: Why we want you to join. It's also worth taking a look at a summary of decisions from one of our most recent national meetings (2008) and What we did with 2006, an account of our activities over one year, and this Interview with an AFed activist, to find out more about the kinds of things AF members get up to.
Plus: Our constitution contains more information about how the AF is structured as an organisation and expectations for individual members and groups. To find out more about the origins of the AF, its history and its politics, we recommend you read our 10th & 20th anniversary issues of Organise! magazine, and the In the tradition series of articles.
Please note joining the AF requires a level of commitment. Depending on where you live you will either join a local group of AF members or, if there are no other members nearby, join as an individual member. Unfortunately, we cannot accept
membership if you live outside the UK and Ireland. However, if you are not in UK or Ireland, still get in
contact with us as we may be able to help you find groups in your region. Alternatively, check our
links page.
E-mail your membership enquiry with name and postal address to: join